
Kismath is a 2016 Malayalam-language romantic drama film written and directed by debutante Shanavas K Bavakkutty. The film stars Shane Nigam as Irfan and Shruthy Menon as Anita, two star-crossed lovers from different religious backgrounds. It is produced by Rajeev Ravi under the banner of Pattam Cinema Company, and in association with LJ Films and Akbar Travels.
The film narrates the real-life story of a two young lovers from Ponnani, in Kerala - a 28-year-old scheduled caste girl and a 23-year-old Muslim boy - who faced backlash from society for their relationship in 2011. The screenplay was conceived by Bavakutty while serving as the town's Municipal Councillor.
A trailer was released on July 20, 2016. The film released on July 29, 2016. The film was a commercial success.
