Khoksa Upazila

Khoksa is an Upazila of Kushtia District in the Division of Khulna, Bangladesh.


Khoksa is located at . It has 16,424 households and a total area of 99.17 km².


According to 2011 Bangladesh census, Khoksa had a population of 129,551. Males constituted 49.78% of the population and females 50.22. Muslims formed 90.548% of the population, Hindus 9.443%, Christians 0.008% and others 0.006%. Khoksa had a literacy rate of 44.7% for the population 7 years and above.
According to the 1991 Bangladesh census, Khoksa had a population of 93,371. Males constituted 51.65% of the population, and females 48.35%. The population aged 18 or over was 47,024. Khoksa had an average literacy rate of 25.2%, compared to the national average of 32.4%.


Khoksa has 3 Unions/Wards, 79 Mauzas/Mahallas, and 92 villages.


Educational Institutions: Khoksa . has a number of educational institutions.
Khokha Government College, Kushtia and Khoksa-Janipur Pilot High School are mentionable.
These educational institutions have a glorious history and reputation. Students of these institutions are making brilliant results in public examinations.
Besides there are Shomospur High School, Khoksa Janipur Pilot Girls High School, Iswardi High School, Bonogram High School, Moragacha High School etc.
Khoksa Janipur Pilot High School - Since 1900a..


Historical Kalibari Temple in Khoksa