
The Khasadar are paramilitary forces operating throughout Federally Administered Tribal Areas, now a part of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province in Pakistan. The khasadar are locally recruited and maintained tribal security forces, paid for through a stipend provided directly to the tribe by the Pakistani government. 40,000 Khasadar serve seven former tribal agencies and six frontier regions.
Service in the force is through initial volunteerism and then inheritance and Khasadar officers called subedars. Khasadars receive 17,400 Rs.

Post FATA-KP merger

Pakistan's Express Tribune claims, as of 25 June 2018, that there were only 17,965 Khasadars in the tribal districts and sub-divisions, and that the current plan is to reduce the force to 15,000 thru immediate retirement of those eligible. It also stated 2,500 could be offered a severance package while around 9,000 will be retrained and merged into the Levies Force. The remaining 3,500 long-serving Khasadars may be allowed to complete their service until retirement.