Khalilullah II

Khalilullah II was the 41st Shirvanshah, governing Shirvan under Safavid suzerainty between 1524—1535.


Born as Khalil, after the death of his father he assumed the regnal name of Khalilullah II in 1524. He was married to Ismail I's daughter, and Tahmasp I's sister Pari Khan Khanum on 4 October 1521.

Relations with Safavids

After death of Ismail I, the new shah Tahmasp I was suspicious towards the new shirvanshah. This suspicion had grown when the latter gave asylum to a traitor to the Safavids - Gilan ruler Sultan Muzaffar. However, before demanding a pardon, Khalilullah died unexpectedly without issue, and was succeeded by Farrukh Yassar II.