Khalid Mahmood (cleric)

Allama Khalid Mahmud was a Pakistani Sunni Islamic scholar who served as Justice of the Supreme Court of Pakistan. He established the Islamic Academy and City Jamia Masjid in Manchester, England and was best known for his works related to Finality of the Prophethood.


Maḥmūd studied Islamic Sciences from Muhammad Zakariya Kandhlawi, Shamsul Haq Afghani, Shabbir Ahmad Usmani and Maulana Badre Alam Meerthi. He received his PhD degree in 1970 from University of Birmingham.


He served as a justice of the Supreme Court of Pakistan. He was also director of the Islamic Academy of Manchester UK. He was also known for his knowledge on fiqh issues and comparative religions such as Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, and many others. He was an expert in many fields of Islamic knowledge, including Jurisprudence, hadith, logic, debate, and many more. He also held a number of positions on the Shariah Boards of prestigious Islamic institutions, and was one of the most influential Islamic scholars outside Pakistan.
Khalid Mahmood was the Shaykh-ul-Hadith of Jamia Ashrafia, Lahore and the head of the Islamic Center Manchester.

Literary works

Mahmood authored over 50 books, including:
Mahmood died on 14 May 2020 in Manchester, United Kingdom. He passed away in the blessed month on the 20th of Ramadhan. He died of a respiratory illness he contracted whilst he was recovering in hospital from a hip bone operation.