Kevin Gosztola

Kevin Gosztola is an American journalist, author, and documentary filmmaker known for work on whistleblowers, WikiLeaks, national security, secrecy, civil liberties, and digital freedom. Writing The Dissenter beat for the blog Firedoglake, he covered the court-martial of Chelsea Manning and substantially covered the case of John Kiriakou.
Gosztola has written for The Nation, Salon, and OpEdNews. He co-authored, with Greg Mitchell, Truth and Consequences: The US vs. Bradley Manning. Since 2014, Gosztola has co-hosted, with Rania Khalek, the podcast Unathorized Disclosure. Gosztola has interviewed on Democracy Now!, The Real News, CounterSpin, Frontline, The Young Turks, and other shows and media outlets. He was one of few journalists to cover the Manning trial extensively, along with independent journalists Alexa O'Brien and Nathan Fuller, and a handful of reporters from The Guardian and the AP. He worked as an intern and videographer at The Nation before joining Firedoglake.
In December 2014, Firedoglake founder Jane Hamsher suspended operations indefinitely although parts of FDL, such as The Dissenter, continued. In August 2015, its tradition and legacy were assumed by Shadowproof, with Gosztola as Managing Editor.
Gosztola is from Mishawaka, Indiana and graduated from Columbia College Chicago with a degree in film in 2010. He lives with his wife in Chicago.