Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda School District

The Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda Union Free School District, also called the Ken-Ton School District, or simply Ken-Ton Schools, serves Kenmore and a majority of the Town of Tonawanda in New York State. It is one of the largest in Western New York.

Central Office Location

The district Central Office is located at 1500 Colvin Blvd.

Current Administrators

Mr. Sabatino Cimato; Superintendent of Schools
Mrs. Kelly White; Assistant Superintendent of Instruction & Student Services
Mr. Jeffery Richards; Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources
Mr. John Brucato; Assistant Superintendent of Finance
The following individuals have served as Superintendent of Schools of the Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda Union Free School District:
At its enrollment peak the district housed 22,000 students in 23 school buildings. The district now operates 9
schools with an enrollment of 6,875. As of 2016, the five Elementary schools house grades Pre-K to 4th Grade, Middle schools house grades 5 through 7, and High schools grades 8 through 12.