Kenneth Schenck is a New Testament scholar whose primary focus has been the book of Hebrews, although he has also published on Paul and Philo. His New Testament Survey has sold nearly 10,000 copies, and his “brief guide” to Philo has been translated into both Russian and Korean. His blog also engages heavily with issues in hermeneutics, ecclesiology, and philosophy on both a popular and scholarly level. After serving as Dean of Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University for six years, he returned to be Professor of New Testament and Ancient Languages in Indiana Wesleyan University's School of Theology and Ministry.
His work on Hebrews was the first to engage the book extensively from the standpoint of its narrative substructure, and is part of a recent wave that sees the sermon more as a response to the destruction of the Jerusalem temple than a polemic against the Levitical cultus per se. In hermeneutics, Schenck has argued consistently that the traditionally Protestant approach to Scripture, which places the locus of the Bible's authority solely on the historical meaning, deconstructs itself not only because it leads to an atomization of biblical meaning but also because the Bible itself—the putative authority—does not employ this method. The ironic result is a trajectory toward theological liberalism and away from Christian orthodoxy, as well as the fragmentation of Protestantism. Schenck maintains that only a balance between the trajectory of the historical meaning and the Spirit-led consensus of Christendom can sustain both orthodox Christian faith and an understanding of the Bible as Christian Scripture.
"God Has Spoken: Hebrews’s Theology of the Scriptures," The Epistle to the Hebrews and Christian Theology, Richard Bauckham, Daniel R. Driver, Trevor A. Hart, and Nathan MacDonald, eds., 321-36.
"The Unity and Coherence of Scripture," in Treasure the Word, J. Coleson, ed., 63-75.
Making Sense of God’s Word.
God’s Plan Fulfilled.
"2 Corinthians 4:13 and the pi/stij Xristou= Debate," CBQ : 524-37.
Review of Torrey Seland's, Strangers in the Light: Philonic Perspectives on Christian Identity in 1 Peter, published in SPhA 20 : 230-33.
Cosmology and Eschatology in Hebrews: The Setting of the Sacrifice.
"The Levitical Cultus and the Partitioning of the Ways in Hebrews," presented at the Jewish Christianity Group at SBL, Fall 2007.
"The Spirit Directed Church," The Church That Jesus Builds 151-62.
1 and 2 Corinthians, Wesleyan Biblical Commentary Series .
"God Has Spoken: Hebrews’ Theology of Scripture," presented at the Hebrews and Theology Conference at St. Andrews, July 2006.
"The Table of Inspiration – Interpreting the Bible," in Passion, Power, and Purpose: Essays on the Art of Contemporary Preaching, 95-109.
"The Tale of the Shipwreck," presented at the "Formation of Luke-Acts" Section at SBL, Fall 2006.
"An Archaeology of Hebrews Tabernacle Metaphor, "delivered to the Hebrews Consultation of SBL, Fall, 2005.
"Hebrews and Hermeneutics: The State of the Question," delivered to the Hebrews Consultation of SBL, Fall, 2005.
Review of Daniel J. Harrington's What Are They Saying about the Letter to the Hebrews?, published in BTB 36 : 137-38.
A Brief Guide to Philo.
"Superman: A Popular Culture Messiah," in The Gospel According to Superheroes: Religion and Popular Culture, 33-48.
Review of Wilfried Eisele's, Ein unerschütterliches Reich: Die mittelplatonische Umformung des Parusiegedankens im Hebräerbrief, published in CBQ 67 : 140-41.
"Leben nach dem Tod," delivered to the evangelisch-methodistische Seminar in Reutligen, Germany
"From Enoch to the Scrolls," delivered Winter 2004 to the Kolloquium für Graduierte, Tübingen, Germany
"From Sirach to the Sadducees," delivered Winter 2004 to the Kolloquium für Graduierte, Tübingen, Germany
"Philo and the Epistle to the Hebrews: Ronald Williamson’s Study after Thirty Years," Studia Philonica Annual 14 : 112-35.
"A Celebration of the Enthroned Son: The Catena of Hebrews 1," JBL 120 469-485.
"Jesus and Essene Views of the Afterlife: Common Ground between the Historical Jesus and Qumran?"—paper delivered at the International Conference on the Dead Sea Scrolls at the University of St. Andrews, Summer, 2001