Kelvin Cruickshank

Kelvin Cruickshank is a New Zealand psychic medium. He is known for his appearances on the New Zealand television series Sensing Murder.

Early life

Kelvin Cruickshank was born and raised in the Waikato region of New Zealand.


Kelvin is known for being on the New Zealand television show Sensing Murder.
In a survey of various psychic's social media accounts in June 2020, investigator Susan Gerbic found that not only had Cruickshank not predicted the Covid-19 pandemic but he planned events in New Zealand which had to be cancelled. According to Cruickshank's Facebook page, events would be rescheduled for later in 2020 but as Cruickshank was unaware of when restrictions would be lifted, those dates were not yet available. Gerbic's response to all the psychics she reviewed not seeing the pandemic coming was: '"Oh, so, what good are you then?"'

Other Prominent New Zealand Psychics