Keiser Report

The Keiser Report is a financial news and analysis show on RT UK and the Russian state RT network, hosted by Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert. It has been running since September 2009, with three new shows every week. Herbert is the co-host; she banters with Keiser on headlines and commentary.
Each episode is divided into two parts. In the first half, Keiser and Herbert alternately discuss a current financial topic, comment on financial media reports, and provide commentary on the actions of bankers. The second half features a guest interview, either face-to-face in the studio or through video conferencing, conducted by Keiser.
The Independent describes the show as "mischievously seditious" and Keiser as "America's most outrageous political pundit".
An episode broadcast in September 2011 featured an interview with the comedian Roseanne Barr, who stated that her solution to the financial crisis was to "bring back the guillotine".
According to Forbes magazine, the economist Sandeep Jaitly of the Gold Standard Institute was forced to resign following comments made on Keiser's show.
Since March 2012, The Keiser Report is translated into Spanish .

Notable guests