Keep Scotland Beautiful

Keep Scotland Beautiful is an environmental charity based in Scotland, which aims “to make Scotland a cleaner, greener and more sustainable place to live, work and visit.” The organisation campaigns and educates on a range of environmental issues including climate change and litter reduction.


Keep Scotland Beautiful was founded as an independent Scottish charity in 2000, bringing together a range of environmental initiatives and activities including Waste Aware Scotland, Eco-Schools Scotland, People and Places Programme, Beach Awards and Beautiful Scotland.
The organisation’s origins lie in the 1960s, with the ‘Beautiful Scotland in Bloom’ campaign run by the Scottish Tourist Board and the Scottish Women’s Rural Institute. After this, under the auspices of Keep Britain Tidy, its focus in Scotland included educating young people about the environment through the Eco-Schools programme. Since becoming an independent Scottish charity, it has continued to campaign on a range of environmental issues including local environment quality and climate change.



Keep Scotland Beautiful manages several environment-related campaigns and programmes in Scotland. These include Eco-Schools Scotland, Climate Ready Classrooms, Clean Up Scotland, the Green Flag Award, the Beach Awards, Beautiful Scotland, the Climate Challenge Fund, the National Award for Environmental Excellence, Carbon Literacy Training and Heritage projects and Canal College.