Kazimierz Wiłkomirski

Kazimierz Wiłkomirski; was a Polish cellist, composer and conductor. Son of Alfred Wiłkomirski, brother of Wanda Wiłkomirska and violinist Michael Wilkomirski.
Graduate of the Moscow Conservatory.
1930-1939 - member of the Kwartet Polski with Irena Dubiska, 1945-1947 - Szymanowski Quartet. During World War II, living in occupied Warsaw, participated in underground quartet concerts with Eugenia Umińska.
In 1934—1939 - director of the Gdańsk Conservatory; 1945—1947 - first rector of Łódź Conservatory.
Director of the Baltic State Opera in 1952–57; professor of the Academy of Music in Sopot. After 1957 - Director and Principal Conductor of Opera Wrocławska.
Gave concerts as solo cellist.


Kwartet smyczkowy = String quartet
Symphonie concertante: pour violoncelle et orchestre = na wiolonczelę i orkiestrę = for violoncello and orchestra = für Violoncello und Orchester
12 etiud na wiolonczele w I pozycji = 12 studies for violoncello in the first position
Poemat: na wiolonczele i fortepian: pour violoncelle et piano
Ćwiczenia na lewa reke: Na wiolonczele = Exercises for the left hand: for violoncello


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Cwiczenia na lewa reke