Kate Newby

Kate Newby is an artist from New Zealand.


Newby was born in 1979 in the Auckland region of New Zealand. She attended the Elam School of Fine Arts, receiving a BFA in 2001 and an MFA in 2007. Newby is lives and works in Brooklyn, New York and Auckland.


Newby is a mixed materials installation artist. She creates her installations based on their site and setting, often disused urban environments. Using commonplace materials such as pebbles, nails, and rope, her work explores the details of everyday life.
Newby was a member of the Auckland artist space Gambia Castle. She is represented in New York by the Laurel Gitlen gallery and in Auckland by Michael Lett.
Work by Newby is held by the Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki.


In 2012 Newby won the Walters Prize with her work Crawl out your window.
Newby held a residency at the International Studio & Curatorial Program in New York, funded by Creative New Zealand. In 2013, she was an artist-in-residence at Fogo Island Arts.