
Karoda is located at. Karoda is a gram panchayat of Behror Tehsil. Karoda situated on State Highway No-14, Near By Barrod Village.
The village have approximately 4100 population in 2011 census. Literacy is approximately 80%.


It has an average elevation of. Sabi river is the famous river which cross village from two sites this. A large bridge is situated on Sabi River, from west bank to east bank across the river.
Karoda is a small industrial place. There are two international beer/ Beverages factories.
Karoda village is situated on the bank of Sabi river. Here people of near by villages come for picnic. Baba Thadesar Tempel is the famous and 450-year-old temple. Baba Raj Nath singh is the Head of Hanuman Temple.
gram panchyat karoda village 1000 year old shiv tample.22 june प्रतिवर्ष भंडारा एवम कम्पीटिशन प्रोग्राम का आयोजन समस्त ग्रामवासियो द्वारा किया जाता है !

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