Karl Gustav Jöreskog

Karl Gustav Jöreskog is a Swedish statistician. Jöreskog is a Professor Emeritus at Uppsala University, and a co-author of the LISREL statistical program. He is also a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Jöreskog received his bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees in Uppsala University. He is also a former student of Herman Wold. He was a statistician at Educational Testing Service and a visiting professor at Princeton University.


Jöreskog proposed a reliable numerical method for computing maximum-likelihood estimates in factor analysis; similarly reliable methods were also proposed by Gerhard Derflinger, Robert Jennrich, and Stephen M. Robinson at roughly the same time. Jöreskog's Fortran codes helped to popularize factor analysis around the world. While working at the Educational Testing Service and giving lectures at Princeton University, Jöreskog proposed a linear model for the analysis of covariance structures, a fundamental contribution to structural equation modeling.
His other research interests include multivariate analysis, item response theory, statistical computing, and factor-analysis in geology.
