Karl Gottfried Wilhelm Theile

Karl Gottfried Wilhelm Theile was a German theologian.
From 1817 to 1823 he studied at the University of Leipzig, where he subsequently received his PhD and degree in theology. From 1826 to 1845 he was an associate professor of Evangelical theology at Leipzig, followed by a full professorship in the same discipline from 1845 up until his death in 1854. In 1851/52 he was dean to the theological faculty at Leipzig.

Published works

With Rudolf Ewald Stier, he was co-author of a Polyglot Bible, titled "Polyglotten--Bibel zum praktischen Handgebrauch: Die Heilige Schrift Alten und Neuen Testaments in übersichtlicher Nebeneinanderstellung des Urtextes, der Septuaginta, Vulgata und Luther-Uebersetzung, so wie der wichtigsten Varianten der vornehmsten deutschen Uebersetzungen". Other noteworthy written efforts by Theile include: