Karkinit Bay

Karkinit, Karkinitski, Carcinites, or Karkinitsky Bay is a bay of the Black Sea that separates the northwestern Crimean Peninsula from the mainland Ukraine. It was named after the early Greek settlement of Kerkinitis on the Crimean coast in place of modern Yevpatoria.
The northeastern tip of the Karkinitis Bay, by the Isthmus of Perekop, is known as the Perekop Bay or Gulf of Perekop.
The bay contains the preserve Karkinits'ka Zatoka State Zakaznik.
On the Marcator's map of 16th century the bay is named as Golfo de Nigropoli after the city on north shores of the Pontus Euxeinus. Nigropoli was a city located on the Silch River that flows in a bosom of the Eusino Sea to the west of the Crimea forms its own Gulf
According to Strabo, another name for Gulf of Carcinites was Gulf of Tamyraca.
