Karapet Chobanyan

Karapet Chobanyan was an Armenian scientist and engineer who discovered the phenomenon of Low-Stress in mechanics and developed a new method of welding. This discovery became an important progress in the science which allowed to significantly increase the strength of welded structures and to change the perceptions of limited abilities of welding.
Karapet Chobanyan made the first discovery in Armenia and Transcaucasus which was registered in the Soviet Union's discovery registry under number 102.
Chobanyan graduated from Yerevan State University in 1948 and completed his PHD in physics in 1951. In 1954 Chobanyan joined as a scientist to Armenian National Academy's Institute of Mechanics and Institute of Mathematics. He became the head of the Department of Durability of Compounds of Armenian National Academy's Institute of Mechanics in 1972.


Karapet Chobanyan was born on February, 1927, as the first child of Armenuhi and Sirakan Chobanyan.

Scientific Activity

Discovery of Phenomenon of Low-Stress

Impact of Discovery
