Juraj Juričić

Juraj Juričić was a Croatian-Slovene Protestant preacher and translator.
Juričić was born in Vinodol, Croatia. He arrived in Ljubljana 1560. From 1562 to 1563 he worked as a copy reader at the South Slavic Bible Institute in Urach, and then from 1563 onward as a preacher in Kamnik. Together with Matija Klombner, in 1563 he edited the hymnal Ene duhovne pejsni. The hymnal included hymns by Primož Trubar that had already been published as well as 60 additional hymns, mostly clumsily translated from German, including the first psalms translated into Slovene. Trubar and the provincial estates did not approve the hymnal's publication. Juričić's hymns, which also include Croatian linguistic elements, are aesthetically and linguistically inferior to Trubar's.
In 1578, Juričić published his Postilla in Slovene. This was a collection of sermons; the first half of it comprised the second edition of Sebastijan Krelj's Postilla slovenska, and the remaining sermons were Juričić's translations.
Juričić died in Ljubljana on October 26, 1578.