Juergen Nogai

Juergen Nogai is a German architecture, art and documentary photographer.


Early life

Juergen Nogai began his studies as a Fine Arts major with parallel studies in Film, Theatre and Television Science, and German Language at the University of Cologne, Germany. He then went to the University of Osnabrueck, Germany and earned a teaching degree in German Language and Fine Arts, which he taught concurrently with his career as a free-lance photographer. He maintained his studio in Bremen, Germany, where he worked for museums, architects, publishers, companies, design and advertising agencies.


In 2000 he re-located to Los Angeles and began working on numerous book projects for Harry N. Abrams, Inc., New York and Taschen, Cologne, Germany. It was during this period that Juergen began his decade long collaboration with architectural photographer Julius Shulman. They have had numerous gallery and museum exhibitions of their work and Juergen is represented by Craig Krull Gallery, in Los Angeles.
J. Shulman, his friend and creative photography partner, died July 15, 2009, and Juergen Nogai retains the copyrights to the archive created during their decade long collaboration.
His work is part of the permanent collections of The Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Palm Springs Art Museum and DAM, The Frankfurt Design and Architecture Museum, Orange County Museum, Ca., Santa Barbara Museum of Art, George Eastman House, Rochester, NY. He lectures around the country and teaches workshops on Architectural Photography at the Palm Springs Photo Festival each spring.

Selected bibliography

His work has been included extensively in publications some of which include:
"Richard Neutra", “John Lautner”, “Rudolf Schindler”, “Pierre Koenig” - TASCHEN Edition