Juan Jose Galvan

Juan Jose Galvan is the editor of Latino Muslims: Our Journeys to Islam. His conversion story is featured among others. Juan is a third-generation Mexican-American and the son of migrant workers. Juan lives in Texas with his wife and three sons. He embraced Islam in the summer of 2001 while studying at the University of Texas at Austin.
Juan served as the executive director of the Latino American Dawah Organization from 2005-2013. He was the editor of its online newsletter from 2002-2012. Juan continues to manage the LatinoDawah.org and HispanicMuslims.com websites.
Juan has assisted students, professors, and reporters with their research and has provided access to the Latino Muslim community. In 2002, Juan Galvan coordinated an issue dedicated to Latino Muslims in Islamic Horizons then later two issues of The Message International magazine focusing on Latino Muslims in 2004 and 2005.
Along with Gaston Espinoza and Harold Morales, he coauthored Latino Muslims in the United States: Reversion, Politics, and Islamidad, which was the report showing results of the Latino Muslim Survey.