Josy Ajiboye

Josy Ajiboye is a Nigerian artist and cartoonist who worked at the Daily Times. He was a cartoonist at the daily newspaper from 1971 to 2000 and his favourite artistic medium was using realism to comment on cultural, political and social issues in Nigeria.
Ajiboye hails from Erinmope Ekiti. He was educated at Yaba College of Technology and was taught by some prominent artists such as Yusuf Grillo and Solomon Wangboje. After his secondary education, he worked as a trainee for African Challenge Magazine, a division of the Sudan Interior Mission. He started work as a cartoonist with the Morning Post. In 1971, he joined Daily Times' Art Department.
Ajiboye is also a painter and had his first exhibition in 1977 at the Gong Gallery, Lagos Island. He had a solo exhibition at Terra Kulture in 2011.