Jost Oliver Zetzsche is a German–American translator, sinologist and writer who lives in Oregon.
Jost Zetzsche currently lives in Reedsport, Oregon with his wife, Kristen, and three children, Hannes, Lara, and Anna. Zetzsche got his Master of Arts in Chinese Studies and German Linguistics, 1993, at the University of Hamburg. Afterwards he earned a PhD in the field of Chinese history and linguistics from the same university in 1996. He spent his first years as a professional researching in the field of sinology. He joined the language industry in 1997. He has led localization projects in many major software, web, and documentation environments. In 1999, he co-founded International Writers' Group. He is an English-German translator, a consultant in the field of localization and translation, and a writer on technical solutions for the translation and localization industry. He speaks at conferences, delivers lectures and training courses on TEnT.
, 2017.
with Nataly Kelly, 2012.
"Bibel in China : Transkriptionen in den chinesischen Bibelübersetzungen", in China Heute 13, pages 178–185.
"Bibel in China : Transkriptionen von 'Jesus Christus'"", in China Heute 14, pages 17–19.
"Bibel in China : Terminologische Einflüsse von Denksystemen nichtchristlichen Ursprungs auf das chinesische christliche Vokabular", in China Heute 15, pages 46–55.
"Aspekte der chinesischen Bibelübersetzung", i Fallbeispiel China. Beiträge zur Religion, Theologie und Kirche im chinesischen Kontext, with R. Malek. Nettetal: Steyler Verlag/St. Augustin: China-Zentrum.
«Internationale Konferenz über James Legge », in China Heute 16, pages 37–38.
«Tianzhu, Shangdi oder Shen? Zur Entstehung der christlichen chinesischen Terminologie», in Chun 13, pages 23–34.
«Kantonesische Bibel veröffentlicht», in China Heute 16, pages 74–75.
«Cultural Primer or Gospel? Bible Stories in Contemporary China», in Asian and African Studies 6.2, pages 217–232.
«The Work of Lifetimes: Why the Union Version Took Nearly Three Decades to Complete», in The Bible in Modern China: The Literary and Intellectual Impact, pages 77–100, with Irene Eber, Knut Walf, Sze-Kar Wan. Monumenta Serica Monograph Series 45. Nettetal: Monumenta Serica, 1999
«Macau, Robert Morrison und die chinesische Bibel», in Macau: Herkunft ist Zukunft, pages 499–514, with Roman Malek. Nettetal: Steyler Verlag/St. Augustin: China-Zentrum
«The Missionary and the Chinese 'Helper': A Re-Appraisal of the Chinese Role in the Case of Bible Translation in China», in Journal of the History of Christianity in Modern China 3 2000, pages 5–20
«Die Übersetzung der Bibel ins Chinesische», in Welt und Umwelt der Bibel. Sonderheft 2: Entlang der Seidenstraße, pages 62–63, 2002
«Indigenizing the 'Name Above All Names': Chinese Transliterations of Jesus Christ», in The Chinese Face of Jesus Christ Vol. 1, pages 141–115, with Roman Malek, Monumenta Serica Monograph Series 50/1. Nettetal: Monumenta Serica, 2002
«Absalom Sydenstricker: A Ruling Minority of One", in The Missionary Kaleidoscope: Portraits of Six China Missionaries, with Kathleen L. Lodwick, Wah Cheng. The Missionary Enterprise in Asia. Norwalk: EastBridge, 2005
«Gützlaffs Bedeutung für die protestantischen Bibelübersetzungen ins Chinesische», in Karl Gützlaff und das Christentum in Ostasien, pages 155–171, with Thoralf Klein, Reinhard Zöllner. Collectana Serica. Nettetal: Monumenta Serica, 2005