Joseph Andrew Chisholm

Sir Joseph Andrew Chisholm was Mayor of Halifax and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia.
Born in Marydale, Nova Scotia to William and Flora Chisholm, Chisholm was educated at St. Francis Xavier University before moving to Halifax in 1896.
He attended Dalhousie University, where he received his law degree and his first job was in a law firm headed by a man destined to be a future Canadian Prime Minister, Robert Borden.
Chisholm was elected as Mayor of Halifax from 1909–1911. In 1916, Borden appointed him to the Nova Scotia Supreme Court, being the first Dalhousie graduate to be so named. He was appointed chief justice in 1931.
Chisholm also wrote historical articles about past Nova Scotia justices and contributed to the Catholic Encyclopedia. In 1909, he edited a revised edition of "The Speeches and Public Letters of Joseph Howe."
In 1935, he became the last Nova Scotia Supreme Court justice to be knighted.
Joseph Andrew Chisholm was married to Frances Affleck, sister of Annie Affleck, wife of Sir John S. Thompson.
Chisholm died on January 22, 1950 in Halifax.