Josef Berger (scientist)

Josef Berger is a Czech scientist. He
is a full professor at the University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, Czech Republic. His areas are biomodel development and information gaining.
Berger is a graduate of the Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science. He worked as a scientist and professor at the Institute for Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University Hospital in Hradec Králové, University of Pardubice, Masaryk University in Brno. He is a author of 16 books, about 100 scientific papers, three hundred popular-science articles and the first Czech University ranking. He prepared the strategy for the University Pardubice foundation, initiated the first Czech bachelor programme in clinical biology, the first Czech master programme in clinical biology and the Editor-in-Chief of the international Journal of Applied Biomedicine. Berger is married and has two sons. Hobby: floriculture.

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