A Framework for Emergent Emotions, Based on Motivation and Cognitive Modulators. International Journal of Synthetic Emotions, 3, 43-63, Joscha Bach, IGI Global
Functional Modeling of Personality Properties Based on Motivational Traits. Proceedings of ICCM-7, International Conference on Cognitive Modeling, Berlin, Germany. 271-272, Bach, J..
Mapping the landscape of human-level artificial general intelligence. Sam Adams, Itmar Arel, Joscha Bach, Robert Coop, Rod Furlan, Ben Goertzel, J Storrs Hall, Alexei Samsonovich, Matthias Scheutz, Matthew Schlesinger, Stuart C Shapiro, John Sowa
Artificial General Intelligence: 5th International Conference, AGI 2012, Oxford, UK, December 8–11, 2012. Proceedings, Joscha Bach, Ben Goertzel, et al. | 13. November 2012
KI 2011: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 34th Annual German Conference on AI, Berlin, Germany, October 4–7, 2011, Proceedings Taschenbuch – 21. September 2011, Joscha Bach, Stefan Edelkamp
A Motivational System for Cognitive AI. Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Artificial General Intelligence, Springer Berlin, Heidelberg. 232-242. Joscha Bach
Requirements for Cognitive Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings of Philosophy & Theory of Artificial Intelligence, Thessaloniki, Greece. Joscha Bach
Modeling Emotion as an Interaction between Motivation and Modulated Cognition. Workshop on Standards in Emotion Modeling, Leiden, Netherlands. Joscha Bach
Artificial General Intelligence and Organizational Intelligence. Proceedings of 8th European Conference on Computing and Philosophy, ECAP 10, Munich, Germany. Joscha Bach
Seven Principles of Synthetic Intelligence. Proceedings of 1st Conference on Artificial General Intelligence, Memphis: 63-74. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, IOS Press, Joscha Bach
True Feelings: Functionalist and Descriptionalist Modeling of Emotion. Proceedings of Workshop on Artificial Emotion, KI 2007, Osnabrück, Germany, Joscha Bach
Motivated, Emotional Agents in the MicroPsi Framework. Proceedings of 8th European Cognitive Science Conference, Delphi, Greece: 458-461. Taylor & Francis. Joscha Bach
Psi and MicroPsi. A Novel Approach to Modeling Emotion and Cognition in a Cognitive Architecture. Proceedings of the 7th international conference on cognitive modeling, Trieste. 20-25. J Bach, D Dörner, R Vuine
MicroPsi: Contributions to a Broad Architecture of Cognition. In Proc. of KI2006, Bremen, Germany. Annual conference on artificial intelligence. 7-18. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Joscha Bach, Colin Bauer, Ronnie Vuine
Representations for a Complex World. Combining Distributed and Localist Representations for Learning and Planning, in: Wermter, S. & Palm, G. : Biomimetic Neural Learning for Intelligent Robots. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Joscha Bach
Connecting MicroPsi Agents to Virtual and Physical Environments Bach, J. : Applications of the AEP Toolkit. In Workshops and Tutorials, 7th European Conference on Artificial Life, Dortmund, Germany.
The AEP Toolkit for Agent Design and Simulation, Proceedings of MATES 2003, German Conference on Multiagent System Technologies, LNAI 2831, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Joscha Bach, Ronnie Vuine
Designing Agents with MicroPsi Node Nets. In Proceedings of KI 2003, Annual German Conference on AI. LNAI 2821, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg., Joscha Bach, Ronnie Vuine
Enhancing Perception and Planning of Software Agents with Emotion and Acquired Hierarchical Categories, Proceedings of MASHO 02 at KI 2002, p. 3ff. Joscha Bach