José Ortega Torres

José Ortega Torres is a poet born in Granada, Spain; he is a known author in the Andalusian poetic scene. A contemporary of the Novísimos poetic movement, his work follows more traditional forms, with a marked rhythm and deliberate word choice that bring to mind the classical Mediterranean tradition
His biography sheds light on the local history of poetry in the city of Granada.


José Ortega Torres majored in Romance Philology at the University of Granada between 1966 and 1969 and in 1971 read his dissertation "Aproximación a la poesía de Rafael Guillén", under the supervision of Professor Emilio Orozco Díaz. In 1975 he founded with poets José Lupiáñez and José Gutiérrez the Silene literary collection, which since then has published works by many local poets. He obtained his Ph.D. in Spanish Philology in 1971 with the work "La poesía de Rafael Guillén: lengua, temas y estilo".
During the 1990s and 2000s he taught Spanish Literature at the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting of the University of Granada.
José Ortega Torres uses the anagram Narzeo Antino.


Aynadamar el recinto
del amor. Y tu presencia
claro fulgor: inminencia
alza el afán nunca extinto.
Conjunto de laberinto
entreteje la colina
Huésped tú de la hermosura
donde la ofrenda culmina.

Works and Prizes