José-Carlos Mariátegui

José-Carlos Mariátegui is a scientist, writer, curator and scholar on culture, new media and technology. Born in 1975, he is the son of Peruvian psychiatrist Javier Mariategui and the grandson of Jose Carlos Mariategui, the most influential Latin American Marxist thinker of the 20th Century. He studied Mathematics and Biology at Cayetano Heredia University in Lima, Perú and did both Masters and Doctoral degrees in Information Systems and Innovation from the London School of Economics and Political Science – LSE. Has been involved in teaching and research activities, as well as published a variety of articles on art, science, technology, society and development. He founded Alta Tecnología Andina, non-profit organization dedicated to the development and research of artistic and scientific theories in Latin America. Founder of the International Festival of Video and Electronic Art in Lima. Founding Director of the Memorial Museum of José Carlos Mariátegui of the Ministry of Culture in Peru.
For many years he was disciple of Gianni Toti and collaborated in Tupac Amauta, Toti's last series of works while being both residents at the CICV Centre de Recherche Pierre Schaeffer Montbéliard Belfort. Board Member of the Scientific Thought and Philosophy of Science Program, Cayetano Heredia University. Teaches the course: “The virtual museum” at Ricardo Palma University Postgraduate Museology Program. Member of the National Commission of Culture, a High Level dependency of the President that proposed the cultural and scientific policy in Peru. Recent conferences include: Coloquio Internacional de Historia del Arte “Arte y ciencia”, Medi@terra Festival, ISEA 2000 Symposium, Emoçao art.ficial, Transmediale.03, Ars Electronica. Member of the Cultural Diversity Committee of the Inter-Society for Electronic Arts. Jury member of the 13 Videobrasil, Videoformes and the Central America Videoprize.
Has acted as member of the International Programming Committee of ISEA 2002 and of the International Advisory Board of Prix Ars Electronica 2004–2007. Corresponding Editor Leonardo Electronic Almanac. Acted as a node of Tester and as an ISEA 2006 Pacific Rim New Media Summit International Steering Committee member. Along with geneticist and art critic Jorge Villacorta started Escuelab, an advanced research center for research and innovation for Latin America. He was a member of the Advisory Council of Third Text. He is currently a Network Committee member of the Prince Claus Fund and an Editorial Board member for the Leonardo Book Series at MIT Press.
Since 2010 is co-Director of the Diploma of Digital Strategies on Marketing at the Postgraduate School of the Universidad del Pacífico in Lima. He is also a researcher at the LSE Department of Management's Information Systems and Innovation Group and conducted research on the implementation of BBC's Digital Media Initiative by studying digital video as an image-based artefact in both news and long-form productions, working with Prof. Jannis Kallinikos. Lives in London and Lima.

Selected publications