Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee

JRCALC is the Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee. Their role is to provide robust clinical speciality advice to ambulance services within the UK and it publishes regularly updated clinical guidelines. The first meeting of JRCALC was in 1989 and was hosted by the Royal College of Physicians, London.
The guidelines are supposed to be produced from evidence-based medicine. However, organisations such as the College of Paramedics have criticised the committee for poor reference to available evidence in the past.
JRCALC have produced a number of systematic reviews on various topics. Available evidence is researched and discussed by a team of academics and clinicians including representatives from all UK ambulance services, and a number of medical disciplines. The Guidelines are produced by the JRCALC Guideline Development Group hosted by the University of Warwick.

Executive committee

Ambulance Service Association
British National Formulary
College of Paramedics
British Association for Immediate Care
Directors of Clinical Care
College of Emergency Medicine
Health Professions Council
Resuscitation Council
Royal College of Anaesthetists
Royal College of General Practitioners
Royal College of Midwives
Royal College of Nursing
Royal College of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
Royal College of Physicians
Royal College of Psychiatrists
Staff Side Ambulance Council
The guideline development group relies upon the unpaid work of numerous clinicians to complete the systematic reviews to support the guidelines.
