John Skelton (sculptor)

John Stephen Skelton MBE was a British letter-cutter and sculptor.
Skelton was a nephew of Eric Gill and was first apprenticed to his uncle shortly before Gill's death. He continued his training under Joseph Cribb.
His public work includes the headstone to Edward James at West Dean, a sculpture of St Augustine above the church of that dedication in Bexhill-on-Sea, and the font at Chichester Cathedral. Norwich Cathedral, Salisbury Cathedral and Winchester Cathedral show other examples.
A memorial to the generals of World War II is in St Paul's Cathedral Crypt, London. A tablet commemorating a member of the ship's company of the Mary Rose is in Portsmouth Cathedral.
Worthing Museum and Art Gallery acquired The Diver, a carving in walnut wood, in 2008. This was made possible through the V&A Purchase Fund and the Friends of the Worthing Museum.