John I, Count of Alençon

John I , Count of Alençon, son of William III Talvas, Count of Ponthieu, and Helie of Burgundy.
Recognized as Count of Alençon by Philip II, John succeeded his father in 1171, after being associated with the crown since the return of the crusaders in 1149. He was a supporter of the Perseigne Abbey and the Abbey of Saint- Martin of Troarn.
He married Beatrix of Maine, daughter of Elias II, Count of Maine, and Philippe, Countess of Perche. John and Beatrix had six children:
Near the end of his life, he planned to participate in the King’s Crusade, but died February 24, 1191, at the Chateau d'Alençon. He was succeeded as Count of Alençon by his son John.