Johan Reinhold Sahlberg

Johan Reinhold Sahlberg was a Finnish entomologist.
Johan Reinhold Sahlberg was the son of Reinhold Ferdinand Sahlberg and grandson of Carl Reinhold Sahlberg. Both his father and grandfather were entomologists. He specialised in Coleoptera and Auchenorrhyncha. Johan Reinhold Sahlberg made expeditions to many parts of Finland, to Karelia, Siberia, the Mediterranean area, and to Central Asia..
He wrote Ofversigt af Finlands och den Skandinaviska halfons Cicadariae I 9 and Coleoptera Mediterranea que in Aegypto, Palaestina, Syria, Caramania at que in Anatolia occidentali anno 1904. Öfversigt Finska Vetenskaps-Societetens. Förhandlingar, Helsingfors 55A : 1-281. 1913.