Joe Gunther

Joe Gunther is the hero of Archer Mayor's long-running mystery novel series set largely in Brattleboro, Vermont. When the series begins, Gunther has already worked as a police officer for 30 years and is an experienced police lieutenant, eventually working for the fictitious Vermont Bureau Of Investigation. He is a Korean War veteran and a widower.


The Joe Gunther mystery series includes 27 books.
  1. Open Season begins with a series of intricate crimes in which innocent people are framed. Gunther is forced, to the consternation of his fellow officers, to open up a three-year-old closed case in which a black man was convicted of the rape and murder of a young white girl. Gradually, evidence mounts that the convicted man is innocent, and unknown forces will stop at nothing to find the real criminal.
  2. Borderlines begins with Gunther taking a working vacation in Vermont's rural Northeast Kingdom. But the town he's visiting has been divided since a back-to-nature cult group known as The Order bought up half the real estate. A cultists' house is burned and the family inside killed, setting off the townfolk's resentment and leading to more murders. Worse, the police suspect that one of Gunther's oldest friends is one of the killers.
  3. In Scent Of Evil, the murder of a stockbroker is the opening crime in a series of elaborate frame-ups. Gunther again faces a killer who is a clever manipulator, working anonymous mayhem to settle old grudges.
  4. The Skeleton's Knee opens with the death from natural causes of a hermit with a very suspicious case history. The police discover a skeleton on his property with an artificial knee dating back to the '60s. Gunther goes to Chicago hoping to find the man who implanted the knee and encounters a sordid past involving stolen mob money, double crosses and a ruthless killer.
  5. In Fruits Of the Poisonous Tree Gunther's lover Gail is raped, and after a painstaking search and a dangerous manhunt, the district attorney and the police think they have found their man. Gunther's instincts, however, tell him that their suspect may be the victim of a frame-up. Going against the tide of popular opinion, he follows his gut and opens the case back up in the middle of the trial.
  6. The Dark Root
  7. The Ragman's Memory
  8. Bellows Falls
  9. The Disposable Man
  10. Occam's Razor
  11. The Marble Mask
  12. Tucker Peak
  13. The Sniper's Wife
  14. Gatekeeper
  15. The Surrogate Thief
  16. St. Albans Fire
  17. The Second Mouse
  18. Chat
  19. The Catch
  20. The Price of Malice
  21. Red Herring
  22. Tag Man
  23. Paradise City
  24. Three Can Keep a Secret
  25. Proof Positive
  26. The Company She Kept
  27. Presumption of Guilt
  28. Trace
  29. Bury the Lead
  30. Bomber's Moon