Joe Clifford Faust

Joe Clifford Faust is an American author best known for his seven science fiction novels primarily written during the 1980s and 1990s, including A Death of Honor, The Company Man, the Angel's Luck Trilogy, and the satirical Pembroke Hall novels. His novels are known for their tightly controlled plots and their sense of humor.
Like many authors, he draws inspiration from previous and current occupations, including projectionist, record store clerk, radio announcer, sheriff's dispatcher, and advertising copywriter. He currently works as a freelance writer alongside other creative projects such as occasional forays into cartooning and songwriting. From 2001 to 2008, he served as a freelance producer for a local cable music program, Random Acts of Music.


Faust was born in Williston, North Dakota, but considers Gillette, Wyoming, his adopted home town. He currently lives with his family in his wife's ancestral home in Ohio—a 140-year-old plot of land signed over to the family by President James K. Polk. He works as a copywriter at an advertising firm while maintaining his career as a freelance writer. He is writing a new novel about UFOs.

Thief Media

On February 16, 2011, Faust announced on his blog that he had created a publishing company called Thief Media as an organ to distribute his out-of-print novels in ebook formats. Releases began with the Amazon Kindle version of "A Death of Honor" on June 9, the previously unpublished "The Mushroom Shift" on December 12, 2011, and "The Company Man" on July 14, 2012. Another previously unpublished novel, "Trust" is scheduled to for publication as well. Faust also announced the completion of a new novel in the same post.

Amazon Kindle Press

On December 13, 2014, Amazon's Kindle Press announced the selection of Faust's thriller "Drawing Down the Moon" from the Kindle Scout program for publication. As with all Kindle Scout participating writers, Faust had entered his novel into the program the previous month for a 30-day period in which readers could nominate his work. According to Amazon's Kindle Scout, "Kindle Scout is reader-powered publishing for new, never-before-published books. It's a place where readers help decide if a book gets published."
Drawing Down the Moon 's publication marks the first time Faust has published a novel outside of the science fiction genre as well as his first newly written published novel since 1997.


Angel's Luck
Desperate Measures
Precious Cargo
The Essence of Evil
Pembroke Hall
Ferman's Devils
Boddekker's Demons


A Death of Honor

The Company Man

The Mushroom Shift

Drawing Down the Moon


Old Loves Die Hard

Omnibus editions

Handling It: How I Got Rich and Famous, Made Media Stars Out of Common Street Scum and Almost Got the Girl - Science Fiction Book Club edition combining Ferman's Devils and Boddekker's Demons.


Addy Award for Copywriting - 1988 - 1997 - 1998