Jesus (TV series)

Jesus is a Brazilian telenovela produced by Casablanca and RecordTV. The telenovela is created by Paula Richard and directed by Edgard Miranda. It premiered on 24 July 2018 and ended on 22 April 2019. It stars Dudu Azevedo as the titular character. Filming of the telenovela began in June 2018.
It is the fifth biblical telenovela by Record TV and it is based on Jesus, the central figure of Christianity, who is to spread love and respect among people and ends up being persecuted.


After receiving the announcement that the son of God is on the way, Maria gives birth to the chosen one and, together with her husband José, try to raise Jesus with values and good principles. The prophecy of the chosen man troubles King Herod, who goes on to persecute the family, forcing Maria and José to raise Jesus as an ordinary young man far from his mission. Over the years, however, Jesus understands his role in the world and travels through the towns carrying the teachings of peace and equality together with his twelve apostles: Pedro, Mateus, Judas Tadeu, Tiago Menor, Tiago Maior, Natanael, Tomé, Filipe, Simão Zelote, João and André, besides the envious and without character Judas Iscariote, who waits for the right moment to betray him. They are joined by the greatest devotee of the chosen one, Maria Madalena, a Jewish Hellenist widow of a Roman who believed she was saved in the arms of the Roman centurion Petronius, but who considered her unclean, finding in Jesus liberation and becoming his most faithful disciple.
