Jeronim Ljubibratić

Jeronim Ljubibratić or Jeftimije Ljubibratić, known as Jero or Jefto, was a Ragusan military officer who served the Habsburg Monarchy.


Early life

Ljubibratić hailed from Trebinje, from a long line of Serbian nobility, at the time part of the Ottoman Empire. His clan, the Ljubibratići, claim descent from the medieval Ljubibratić noble family.

Military career

In 1730, at the age of 14, he entered as a cadet in the regiment of Grenzers, an elite regiment of Hussars. In 1753 he ascended to the degree of oberstlieutenant. In 1758 he is an Oberst, in charge of 8° regiment of Grenz, with several military campaign successes under his belt. He had already received the title of Freiherrnstand-Baron in 1760. Then, in 1762, he is awarded the Maria-Theresa order. In 1770 is promoted to General-Major and finally in 1773, to Feldmarschall-Lieutenant. He died in Vienna.