Jean Raoux (soldier)

Jean Raoux was a French général de brigade, who began his career during the Second World War and later fought in Indochina and Algeria.


Early life

Jean Raoux was particularly noted for his knowledge of Arabic, completed by a licence ès-lettres. In his youth he frequently met with the writer Albert Camus in Algiers.


Also whilst in Indochina he was councillor to his majesty Norodom Sihanouk, king of Cambodia, as well as Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny's personal English translator. He also met Graham Greene in Indochina and advised him on the publication of his The Quiet American.



He won six citations, of which two were in dispatches.

Tunisian campaign (citation in the divisional orders with the Croix de guerre)

French campaign (three days after entering the campaign)