Jasrath Khokhar

Jasrath Khokhar was the chief of the Khokhars during 1420–1442. He was known for ruling the Punjab region, Jammu, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. His campaigns also included Delhi.

Early life

Jasrath Khokhar was born to Khokhar royalty to Raja Shaikha Khokhar. In one of his father's battles, he was captured by Timurid Empire and was held prisoner in Samarkand. After the death of Taimur, he managed to escape prison.

Rise to Power

After the death of Raja Shaikha Khokhar, Jasrath was crowned the chief of the Khokhar chiefdom. The following year, a civil war erupts in Kashmir between Zain-ul-Abidin and Ali Shah. Zain-ul-Abdin allies himself with Jasrath Khokhar, against Ali Shah. With the help of Jasrath Khokhar, defeats Ali Shah and Zain-ul-Abidin retains the title of ruler of the Shah Mir Dynasty. Jasrath Khokhar was then awarded with the Jammu region. Another ruler, named Rai Bhim from the Jammu region also unites with Ali Shah, against the Khokhars and the ruler of the Shah Mir Dynasty. Rai Bhim and Ali Shah were then killed in battle against Jasrath. After these remarkable victories, Jasrath then set eyes on the throne of Delhi. He then takes over Lahore, the same year, 1421.


After securing the northern Punjab Region and parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Jasrath Khokhar marched against Multan in 1431. The advancing on Multan, Khokhar set his eyes on the Delhi Sultanate. The same year he battled against the Delhi Sultanate and conquered Jullundar, Gurdaspur, Ludhiana and parts of Himachal Pradesh. He then finally took over Delhi in 1431. But later on September of 1432, he was driven out of Delhi by Mubarak Shah. The Sultan still lost many of his territories under the hands of Jasrath Khokhar. Jasrath still continued fight battles against the Delhi Sultanate.