Janusz Zaorski
Janusz Zaorski is a Polish film director, scenarist and actor, representative of the cinema of moral concern, trend in Polish cinema. Zaorski has directed mainly psychological dramas, comedies and TV series.
Zaorski graduated National Film School in Łódź in 1969. He made his own individual film director debut in 1970. In 1987 Zaorski was selected as a chairman of the Polish Federation of Film Societies. He was also an art director of the Film Group "Dom", member of the Cinematography Committee, president of the Radio & Television Committee, president of The National Council of Radio Broadcasting and Television, member of the European Film Academy.Selected filmography
- Maestro
- Spowiedź
- Na dobranoc
- Uciec jak najbliżej
- Awans
- Zezem – TV series
- Zdjęcia próbne
- Pokój z widokiem na morze
- Dziecinne pytania
- Matka Królów
- Baryton
- Jezioro Bodeńskie
- Zabawa w chowanego
- Piłkarski poker
- Panny i wdowy
- Szczęśliwego Nowego Jorku
- Haker
- Cudownie ocalony
- Królewska ruletka
- Lekarz drzew
- Palec boży
- Zdjęcia próbne
- Mniejsze niebo
- Piłkarski poker
- Na dobranoc
- Pokój z widokiem na morze
- Zezem – TV series
- Jezioro Bodeńskie
- Szczęśliwego Nowego Jorku
- Haker
- Lekarz drzew