Janne Blichert-Toft

Janne Blichert-Toft is a geochemist, specializing in the use of isotopes with applications in understanding planetary mantle-crust evolution, as well as the chemical composition of matter in the universe. To further this research, Blichert-Toft has developed techniques for high-precision Isotope-ratio mass spectrometry measurements.



After her Marie-Curie post-doctorate, Blichert-Toft joined the CNRS in 1997 and became Director of Research in 2002 working at the École normale supérieure de Lyon.


After her Marie-Curie Post-Doctorate, Blichert-Toft joined the Centre national de la recherche scientifique in 1997 and became Director of Research in 2002, working at the École normale supérieure de Lyon.
She pioneered the application of hafnium isotopes to the evolution of the Earth and the early solar system.


Blichert-Toft is currently Editor of two publications:
She is Associate Editor of Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
