Jann (TV series)

Jann is a Canadian television comedy series that premiered on CTV on March 20, 2019. It stars Canadian singer-songwriter Jann Arden as a fictionalized version of herself and is loosely based on events from her life. The cast also includes Zoie Palmer, Patrick Gilmore, Deborah Grover, Alexa Rose Steele, and Jason Blicker.


Jann is a former pop star struggling to cope with turmoil in her personal life, including the breakup of her relationship with Cynthia, her longtime girlfriend, her mother's diagnosis of early-stage dementia, and trying to rebuild her career in the hope of finally outshining her archrival Sarah McLachlan.

Cast and characters

Production on six half-hour episodes for Season 1 began in Calgary on September 11, 2018. Production on Season 2, consisting of eight episodes, began on October 1, 2019, and wrapped in early November 2019. Sarah McLachlan appears as herself in a guest role.


Jann premiered on March 20, 2019, with its first season becoming the "most-watched" Canadian television series and comedy of the year.
