Jammers (film)

Jammers is an American animated short film created by Lizz Hickey that was released as a television pilot on Cartoon Network's website. It follows the story of a middle school age girl named Carol, with her best friends Jeremy and Danny which together form a trio called "Jammers". Carol is supported by her aide subconscious named Lil' Carol, that is a flying head by her own appearance, and by her two-legged pet frog named Timtam.



Jammers was created by Lizz Hickey, an animator and crew member of BuzzFeed Video but also a contributor artist in Root Rot, the anthology book edited by Michael DeForge and Annie Koyama. Its concept and plot were based on the comic book of the same name, in which she took about six years to make it happen, and then was published by Hic & Hoc in 2012. A few years later Hickey was contacted by Cartoon Network, where they picked up her project as a pilot episode for the channel; it was announced with an Adult Swim pilot in developing called Doble Fried.
Produced at Cartoon Network Studios, Hickey worked alongside the Uncle Grandpas creative director Casey Alexander for writing and storyboarding, with Nick Cross as art director and Andrew Overtoom instead as animatic director. Nate Funaro and Mike Roth were the producer and the supervising producer, respectively.

Release and reception

Jammers was released on the official website of Cartoon Network on May 18, 2015, along with Ridin' with Burgess, Twelve Forever, and Tome of the Unknown.
In June the co-writer Casey Alexander, from his Tumblr profile, announced that Jammers was in running for a nomination at the 67th Primetime Emmy Awards as "Outstanding Short Form Animated Program". Both shorts were not allowed.