James Kyd

James Kyd was a Master ship builder of the East India Company in Calcutta, India.


James Kyd was born in 1786 in India to Major Alexander Kyd, a Lieutenant General and the Surveyor General of Bengal and his brother is Robert Kyd, a British Army officer. Kyd went to Great Britain to learn shipbuilding and returned to India in 1800 to work as an apprentice to A. Wadell. He succeeded Wadell in 1807 to become the Master ship builder of the East India Company in Calcutta. Kyd built various steamers and yachts for the Bengal government and other countries for personal and trading purposes. A collection of few are given below:
1808PhoenixYacht, 187 tons, sold to the government
1811Maitland634 tons, sold for free trade
1812Castle Huntly1276 tons, built for China
1813General kyd1279 tons
1814Lord Hungerford685 tons
1815East Indian553 tons, was lost in 1826 at Saugor Sand
1816Mary Ann587 tons

In 1814, the Admiralty and Court of Directors sent honors and appreciative testimonial to Kyd for the repair work done to HMS Semiramis at St. Helena. Most of the ships were launched from the Kidderpore docks.
He died on 26 October 1836 due to a knee injury and was interred at the Scotch Burial Ground.