James Charles Brady

James Charles Brady was a Canadian politician, school principal and teacher. He was elected to the House of Commons of Canada as a Member of the Conservative Party to represent the riding of Skeena. He was defeated in the 1930 election.
J.C. Brady, Ex-MP, Retiring From Ottawa Post :
James C. Brady, who is retiring from his position as chief of the Institutional Statistics Branch, Dominion Bureau of Statistics after 18 years’ service in that position, has had a long and an interesting career.
Mr. Brady, who is an MA of Dublin University came to Canada from New Zealand in 1911.
His parents were both noted Irish educationists, his father being president of the National Teachers’ Association, and Member of the Archeological Society of Ireland.
Taking up the profession of teaching, he taught in colleges and high schools in Gibraltar, Australia, New Zealand and Canada for 28 years. At the request of the BC Provincial Government he opened the first high school in Prince Rupert, of which he was principle for 14 years, when he resigned to contest the Skeena Federal seat as a Conservative at the 1928 election. He entered Parliament in that year and was immensely popular in the House of Commons, his reputation as speaker being outstanding. Mr. Brady married a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Mitchell of Dunedin, NZ. They have two sons and four daughters. Both sons joined the RCAF and served overseas in Europe during the late war, as also one daughter, who was a graduate nurse overseas.
Mr. Brady’s work in the field of hospitalization is known throughout Canada and the United States. He took a leading part in having uniform financial accounting introduced into hospitals of Canada, and introduced the card system into mental hospitals, TB institutions and Dominion penitentiaries, whereby statistics in those fields have now reached a high standard of excellence.
His work in the field of social statistics during the past 18 years has been repeatedly acknowledged by public health bodies both in Canada and in the United States.
Former MP For Skeena Dies at 86 :
James Charles Brady, of 198 Macy Boulevard, who at one time represented Skeena, BC in the House of Commons, died Wednesday after a prolonged illness.
When his parliamentary career terminated he entered the Dominion Bureau of Statistics where he served until his retirement in the years following World War II. He was 86 last Sunday.
A native of Dublin, Ireland, Mr. Brady was a son of Thomas J. Brady MA and Maria Macormac, both Irish. Both his parents were well-known educationists.
Mr. Brady came to Canada from New Zealand in 1911. He was educated at Dublin University, receiving the degree of Master of Arts. His wife was Elsa Emily Mitchell, of Otago, New Zealand.
Mr. Brady resigned the principalship of the High School at Skeena to contest the Skeena seat for the Commons and was elected.
Survivors include his wife; two sons, John M. and James, both of Ottawa; three daughters, Mrs. G. F. Reynolds and Mrs. J. A. McCarney all of Ottawa, and Mrs. Ted Hoffman, Orlando, Florida; one sister, Rev. Sister Mary Columba, Perth, Australia.
Mr. Brady attended St. Theresa's Church.
McEvoy Brothers are in charge of funeral arrangements.