Jacques-Victor-Marius Rouchouse

Bishop Jacques-Victor-Marius Rouchouse was the first Roman Catholic bishop of Chengdu, China, a post he held from 1946 until his death in 1948.
Rouchouse was born in the city Saint-Étienne in eastern France. He received his ordination on June 30, 1895, as a priest of La Société des Missions Etrangères. On January 28, 1916, he received the dual appointments of Vicar Apostolic of Northwestern Szechwan and Titular Bishop of Aegeae. On April 11, 1946, he was appointed Bishop of Chengdu, a position he held until his death on December 20, 1948. Bishop Rouchouse was succeeded as Bishop of Chengdu by Henri-Marie-Ernest-Désiré Pinault.