Jabukovac killings

The Jabukovac killings occurred July 27, 2007, when the villager Nikola Radosavljević took a hunting rifle and shot dead five men and four women in the Serbian village of Jabukovac, near the border with Romania and Bulgaria. Three other people in addition to the perpetrator were injured.
Police used helicopters to find Radosavljević, who was traced to a nearby cemetery. He was injured but his condition was not life-threatening.


At 5:00 PM, Radosavljević was eating with his wife Jelena. After an argument he punched her in the face and Jelena fell down. Radosavljević jumped into a well. By 5:30 PM, Dragoslav Badžikić got him out of the well. A few minutes later, Radosavljević got his hunting rifle and walked out into the street.
Radosavljević then shot and killed a number of people in the vicinity. On the street at one point, Radosavljević met an older woman. He asked her in Romanian if she practiced magic. When she said no, he let her live.
At 1:30 AM the following day, Radosavljević was arrested and taken to Niš hospital. Team of psychiatric experts pronounced him permanently mentally disabled, suffering of acute paranoid psychosis. He is currently incarcerated indefinitely in the Special Prison Hospital in Belgrade.

List of victims