Jaan Patterson

Jaan Patterson is a German composer and poet, and runs the Surrism-Phonoethics netlabel he had founded 2007. He is best known for his various Dada and Surrealist inspired experimental music and spoken word projects—such as Undress Béton, André Pissoir, Crawl Max, Dusk Euphoria, Reve Steich. Additionally, together with Goran Ivkovic, he works as Surrism on improvised music projects. Patterson's music has been played on numerous Community radio stations and Internet radio stations—including, Resonance FM, WFMU, Zoviet France, NTNS Radio by Mark Stolk and L'étranger, Radio Panik & In Memory of John Peel Radio.
Since 2010, Patterson, has a role as curator for WFMU's Free Music Archive. Later the same year, Patterson, started to curate together with Anthony Donovan the Classwar Karaoke netlabel, which releases quarterly compilations of experimental music and short-films, by artists from around the world.
Some of his musical collaborations include—Anthony Donovan & Classwar Karaoke, AG Davis, Kommissar Hjuler & Mama Baer, Hopek Quirin, Alessandra Celletti, William Davison, Jochen Arbeit & Vania Rovisco, Jeremy Gluck, John M. Bennett, Lee Kwo & PostVerbal, Bryan Lewis Saunders, Carmen Racovitza, J. Karl Bogartte, Leif Elggren, Dada AG, Yoshihiro Kikuchi, John Hyatt, Kosta T, Bernard Dumaine, and Fake Cats Project.
