JBS Foods International engages in the food business internationally. It is a "controlled company" in SEC parlance. JBSFI operates through four segments: Beef, Pork, Poultry, and Other. It offers fresh and processed beef, lamb, sheep, pork, and chicken. JBSFI is the largest leather processor in the world. It also processes collagen, biodiesel fuel, hygiene and cleaning products, and is involved in metal packaging, carriers, waste management, casings, and trading activities, as well as provides prepared food products.
Prior regulatory filings
On 5 August 2016 it was intended to be registered in the Republic of Ireland as JBS Foods International Designated Activity Company, for its SEC IPO filing to permit it to be traded on the AmericanNYSE market. It was also intended to trade on the São Paulo Stock Exchange under a Brazilian Depositary Receipt program it was to operate. In August 2016, JBS Foods International said that it intended to be a tax resident in Britain, and that for its IPO it intended to pursue a six-step process. On 16 November 2016, the DAC withdrew its IPO paperwork with the SEC. It substituted for its IPO on 6 December 2016 a Dutch operation called JBS Foods International B.V.
Planned IPO and Investigations
In December 2016, JBS S.A. announced a re-organization plan, part of which involved planning an initial public offer in the United States for its international operations. The intended IPO is expected to be performed through the vehicle company JBS Foods International, because JBS S.A., J&F Investimentos and other companies of the group are involved in 6 different operations from the Brazilian Federal Police, including Operation Car Wash, Bullish, Greenfield, Carne Fraca and Cui Bono. JBS S.A.'s main shareholders, Joesley Batista and Wesley Batista collaborated with the Brazilian police as whistle-blowers for Operation Car Wash, where they confessed to over 12 years of crimes, including bribery, active corruption, insider trading, and many other, which helped the JBS group to grow above the market after a series of acquisitions in part funded by loans from banks controlled by the state of Brazil. Despite the active corruption scandals performed by the Batista brothers, Joesley Batista made it clear that the IPO was not going to be canceled. After the testimonies provided by the Bastista brothers, Brazil's securities regulator launched four new probes against meatpacker JBS S.A. and other companies controlled by J&F Investimentos on May 19, 2017 to investigate suspicious trades made before markets were rattled by the revelation of a plea deal by the company's top executives.