Itapeva, São Paulo

Itapeva is a city in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The population is 92,710 in an area of 1826.26 km².


The city was founded as a village in the beginning of the 18th century. In 1769 the municipality was created, by separating it from Sorocaba. Named Itapeva da Faxina until 1910 and Faxina until 1938. In Tupi language, Itapeva means “flat stone”.
Founder: Antônio Furquim Pedroso.
In Itapeva is located the Wall of the Slaves, which is a tourist point, in addition to the Vila Isabel Station, the Pilão D’Agua and the Dr. Pinheiro Promenade.


Itapeva is located at an elevation of 684 meters.


: 0,745


Itapeva has three districts
The coldest month is June, and the hottest
is January. Rainfall averages 1254 mm.
