Italian honorifics
These are some of the honorifics used in Italy.
As part of the republican constitution that became effective in Italy on 1 January 1948, titles of nobility ceased to be recognized in law, and the organ of state which had regulated them, the Consulta Araldica, was abolished. However the so-called predicati — territorial or manorial designations that were often connected to a noble title by use of a nobiliary particle such as di, da, della, dei, could be resumed as part of the legal surname upon judicial approval for persons who possessed it prior to 28 October 1922. In practice, this meant that, e.g., "John Doe, Duke of Somewhere" or "Princess Jane of Kingdom" might become "John Doe di Somewhere" or "Jane della Kingdom", respectively. Nonetheless, titles are often still used unofficially in villages, private clubs and some social sets. Signore and Signora are translations of "Lord" and "Lady", used also in the military hierarchy and for persons in official positions or for members of a society's elite. A few titles are also common in diminutive form as terms of affection for young people.- Imperatore / Imperatrice
- Re / Regina
- Principe / Principessa
- Duca / Duchessa
- Marchese / Marchesa
- Conte / Contessa
- Visconte / Viscontessa
- Barone / Baronessa
- Patrizio / Patrizia
- Nobiluomo – n.h./n.u. / Nobildonna – n.d.
- Cavaliere Ereditario / no female equivalent
State honours
The President of the Republic can award “honours of the Republic”. These are:- Medals to persons or entity for merit or valor
- Knighthood of five Orders
- *Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana is for outstanding merit in regard to the nation
- *Ordine Militare d’Italia rewards the actions of units of the armed forces or by individual soldiers, demonstrating expertise, responsibility and valour. The title may be given posthumously
- *Ordine al Merito del Lavoro for those who have worked with skilfulness, contributing to the development of the nation and improving the status of the workers
- *Ordine della Stella d'Italia for a contribution to the post-war reconstruction of Italy
- *Ordine di Vittorio Veneto for Italian soldiers of the First World War
State-related honorifics
- Presidente – pres. : used for the President of the Republic, or for the President of the Senate, of the Chamber of Deputies, of the Council of Ministers, of the Constitutional Court, of a Region Council, for Judges president of a Court
- Presidente emerito – pres. em. : used for former President of the Republic
- Senatore – sen. : some are for life
- Onorevole - on. : member of the Chamber of Deputies and member of the municipal Council of Rome.
- Ministro – min.
- Giudice
- Console – cons.
- others
Work/profession-related titles
- Dottore / Dottoressa – dott.
- * Dottore / Dottoressa magistrale - dott. mag.
- * Dottore / Dottoressa di ricerca - dott. ric.
- Maestro / Maestra
- *Mastro
- Professore – prof. / Professoressa – prof.ssa
- * Full professors in the university are most formally addressed as Chiarissimo Professor, derived from Latin clarus which meant famed. University headmasters are formally addressed as Magnifico Rettore.
Academic/professional qualification-related titles
- High school diplomas:
- *Ragioniere – rag..
- *Geometra – geom..
- *Perito – per.
- *Maestro / Maestra.
- University degrees:
- *Dottore – dott.. The laurea was previously the only academic degree given by Italian Universities. With the Riforma Universitaria, the Italian system has moved closer to conformity with the rest of Europe and North America. Laurea may now refer to a three-year degree or to a laurea magistrale, or Master's degree, which requires two additional years of study. The former confers the title dottore; holders of the latter receive the academic title dottore magistrale. Outside Italy, however, it is inappropriate for the holder of a new laurea to use the title "Doctor".
- *Avvocato – avv.
- *Ingegnere – ing.
- *Architetto – arch.
- *Dottore di Ricerca.
Roman Catholic Church titles
- Don - used for members of the secular clergy, more a form of address than a title as such, don comes from a medieval styling for very esteemed persons, it is a colloquial form of Dominus - the Latin for Lord, Sir. It is still used for Bishops, or citizens in some areas.
- prevosto: provost - title used in northern Italy and Tuscany for important parish priests.
- arciprete: archpriest - usually used for the senior priest in an important or significant town that is not a bishop's seat, i.e. not the centre of a diocese.
- curato: curate - parish priest of the countryside.
- canonico: canon - the senior priests attached to the cathedral, who have special liturgical and administrative responsibilities both there and in the diocese.
Military titles of rank
- Esercito : see Italian Army enlisted military ranks and Italian Army officers military ranks
- Marina Militare : see Naval officer ranks
- Aeronautica Militare
- Carabinieri : officers ranks are the same as in the Italian Army.
Style for letters
to men: | Egregio signor / Egr. sig. | lit. 'eminent' |
to men or women: | Gentile signore/signora / Gentile sig./sig.ra' | lit. 'kind' |
to agencies/organisations | Spettabile / Spett.le'' | lit. 'esteemed' |